Contents and Equipment Coverage
-Coverage for limits up to $150,000 are available online (higher limits require separate offline underwriting).
-Coverage is provided on a Replacement Cost basis.
-A deductible of $1,000 per occurrence applies.
Contents and Equipment Coverage Enhancements
Note: These enhancements do not increase the applicable Contents and Equipment Limit unless otherwise specified.
-Computer Systems - $25,000 Computer Equipment and $25,000 Media and Data
-Personal Effects - up to $5,000 per person
-Property of Others - $10,000
-Valuable Papers and Records - $50,000
-Accounts Receivable - $25,000
-Fire Extinguisher Recharge - $1,000 (no deductible applies)
-Outdoor Signs - $3,500 per sign in any one occurrence
-Earthquake Sprinkler Leakage - $10,000
-Loss of Use of Modifications Made to a Building You Do Not Own - $50,000 in addition to the Contents and Equipment Limit
-Water - $30,000 (total limit for water damage and Business Income/Extra Expense related to water damage)
-Business Income and Extra Expense - $100,000 in addition to the Contents and Equipment Limit - 72-hour waiting period, no coinsurance applies
-Utility Services (Business Income and Extra Expense) - included in $100,000 BI/EE limit
-MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) Contamination (Business Income and Extra Expense) - included in the $100,000 BI/EE limit
-Optional coverage for glass is available, up to a $25,000 limit, for a flat charge of $250